Tuesday 20 September 2016

Recipes For Disaster [Thank You To Josie]

Welcome To The Great British Fake Off

What makes a disaster in this world? Well, there are so many things and so little time. So, please allow me to get through them in verse!

Beetroot with banana
A poor, broken farmer

Spinach with kale
Palestine, Israel

Cookies and Mash
ITV's 'Splash'

Pasta and Cream
England's Footie Team

Cheese and Broccoli
A game of Monopoly

Peanut Torte
Nuclear War

Chocolate and Celery
Boris as Foreign Secretary

Pie and Ale Pudding
Another school shooting

Pepper and Flour
Donald Trump in Power

Crisp Stroganoff
NATO pissing off

A Turnip Pile
Climate Change Denial

Pike Strudel
Saville's Memorial

Fig Batter
Sepp Blatter

Orange Gravy
Tidal Wave-y

Potato Sauce
A University Maths Course

Cow Bacon
Return Of Ronald Reagan

Cooked Gazpacho
Return of Margaret Thatcher

Another Pike Strudel
A 4th High School Musical

Leek Cajun
Kim Jong-Un

Kiwi Meringue
Another President Erdogan

Roast Puma
An Isolated Cuba

Pickle Chow Mein
Trump Returns Again

Raw Chicken
Putin Kicking

Mouldy S'mores
Greece Needing More

Pond Paella
That Farage Fella

Salmon Risotto
The Pope Going Blotto

Pulled Pork
David Cameron